Project Details:

  • Completion Date: 26 Apr 2000
  • Partner:
  • Facility Type: Aquatic Centers, Recreation Center Feasibility Studies
  • Client Category: Municipal & Government

Ste. Genevieve County’s origins date back to the early 1700’s. Today it is a thriving tourist community with numerous historic sites, antique shops and bed and breakfasts.
The recreation center was built to serve the county residents and tourists alike.

“The Mission of the Ste. Genevieve County Community Center is to be the hub of community life, where everyone can gather in a safe, positive atmosphere to laugh, learn and lead healthier lives.” The community center includes a gymnasium, aquatic center, multi-purpose rooms, and cardio and strength spaces.

B*K provided an operations pro-forma, equipment list, operating policies and procedures, programming, market plan, and start-up assistance for the center. After the center’s opening, B*K also conducted an operational audit.

For more information on the St. Genevieve County Community Center go to: SGCCC.

Impactful Relationships

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30+ years of experience

Our team includes a professional staff with practical, proven, and hands-on-experience.

Nationally Recognized Services

Honored to be the recipient of five Athletic Business Facilities of Merit Awards.

About Ballard*King & Associates

Ballard*King & Associates is a recreation consulting firm specializing in recreation and sports feasibility studies, parks and/or recreation master plans, operational audits and assessments for recreation, sports and wellness facilities, and management solutions for parks and recreation departments or organizations. Explore our site and services, then let B*K help move you forward!

Driving success to your business

Ballard*King and Associates is committed to comprehensive planning and operations consulting services, in an environment that empowers the client with the tools, information and confidence necessary to provide for the effective and efficient use of available resources to design, construct and operate sports, recreation and wellness facilities.