Project Details:

  • Completion Date: 02 Sep 2008
  • Partner: Ankeny Kell Architects
  • Facility Type: Recreation Center Feasibility Studies
  • Client Category: Municipal & Government

Revenue and development dollars from a new casino were ear marked to provide community enhancement for St. Louis County. An area of need that was identified in the south portion of the County was indoor community recreation space. Another interesting aspect of this project was the ethnic diversity of the area and the breadth of active age groups.

B*K working as part of a larger project team provided; review of existing documentation, market analysis, public input in the form of stakeholder meetings and public meetings, program recommendations and finally a full operational analysis for the proposed facility.

Click here to visit The Pavilion at Lemay.

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About Ballard*King & Associates

Ballard*King & Associates is a recreation consulting firm specializing in recreation and sports feasibility studies, parks and/or recreation master plans, operational audits and assessments for recreation, sports and wellness facilities, and management solutions for parks and recreation departments or organizations. Explore our site and services, then let B*K help move you forward!

Driving success to your business

Ballard*King and Associates is committed to comprehensive planning and operations consulting services, in an environment that empowers the client with the tools, information and confidence necessary to provide for the effective and efficient use of available resources to design, construct and operate sports, recreation and wellness facilities.